Canned Food Drive

Category: GENERAL

Date: November 9, 2020 - November 18, 2020

Our Canned Food Drive will take place from Monday, 11/9 through Weds 11/18. The class who donates the highest percentage will win a donut party! All donations will be given to the EBR food bank. Miscellaneous MONDAY: Any non-perishable goods: popcorn, jerky, canned goods, chips, etc. breakfast bars, grits, oatmeal, cereal, pop tarts etc. beans & rice etc. Toodles-Noodles TUESDAY: Bring your favorite noodles: mac n’ cheese, ziti, bowtie etc. sauces: ragu, alfredo, pesto, etc. Winter Warm Up WEDNESDAY: cider, hot chocolate, cookies, soup, stew, crackers, boxed gumbo, etouffee, etc. Thirsty THURSDAY: canned drinks, juice, powerade, gatorade, water, etc. Fiesta FRIDAY: canned corn, taco shells, canned beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, etc. Let's be the hands and feet of Jesus as we love our neighbors!